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Question & Answers
Answers to some of the tricky questions or bespoke situations you might face while working on a project.
How to Set Up a Gitlab CI/CD pipeline to deploy a Next.js App to Firebase
A definitive guide to setting up GitLab CI/CD pipeline for deploying a Next.js App to Firebase Hosting…
How to parse MDX in Next.js using TypeScript? Part 2
Yet another strategy to store and parse MDX metadata in Next.js using TypeScript and without using any external database/CMS. continued……
How to parse MDX in Next.js using TypeScript?
Yet another strategy to store and parse MDX metadata in Next.js using TypeScript and without using any external database/CMS.…
Sometimes I stumble upon interesting views and opinions which I come across in my work life and want to share with the world. in a simple way.
Use Github as a CMS for your NextJS Blog
A quick and easy way to use Github discussions as Content Management System (CMS) for comments section of your NextJS blogs…