Free & Anonymous URL Shortner
No Ads. No Tracking.
Recent URLs
APIService endpoint:
You can use these REST APIs to Shorten URLs programmatically for your hobby projects or demos. The API is free to use and unlimited*. You can also use the API to bulk shorten URLs.
* Unlimited but rate-limited to prevent abuseService endpoint:
- Fully qualified URL. Maximum characters in the url is 1024
curl ""
type ShortenedURLResponse = {
url: string;
shortUrl: string
async function shortenURL(url: string): Promise<ShortenedURLResponse> {
const response = await fetch(""+url);
const data = await response.json() as ShortenedURLResponse;
return data
Status | Status Description | Response | Remarks |
200 | OK |
| A JSON is received with below fields:
429 | Too many requests |
413 | Payload too large |
- An array of urls to be shortened. Maximum URL length is 1024. Maximum number of URLs per request is 10
curl POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"urls":["", "", ""]}' ""
const headers = new Headers();
headers.append("Content-Type", "application/json");
const payload = JSON.stringify({
"urls": [
const requestOptions = {
method: "POST",
body: payload,
redirect: "follow"
try {
const response = await fetch("", requestOptions);
const result = await response.json();
} catch (error) {
Status | Status Description | Response | Remarks |
200 | OK |
| A JSON Array is received with below fields:
429 | Too many requests |
413 | Payload too large |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why use a URL shortner?
URL shorteners take long, clunky website addresses and condense them into shorter, more manageable links. This makes sharing easier on platforms with character limits, improves readability, and can even help track how often your links are clicked. They're also useful for branding (using custom short domains) and sometimes offer a bit of extra security by hiding the full destination URL.
How is different from any other URL shortner out there?
✔️ Its simple
✔️ Its Free
✔️ No Ads
✔️ No Tracking
✔️ Free QR Code
✔️ Free & Unlimited API
✔️ Its Free
✔️ No Ads
✔️ No Tracking
✔️ Free QR Code
✔️ Free & Unlimited API
Is it totally free?
Why are you free?
This service was originally intended to be used to generate sharable links for the articles published in this website. I could not find any free alternatives that was reliable and simple. So i implemented my own solution. Also, this domain name is short which makes it great to open it up to the world. You do not go through the struggle I went through.
What are any limitations of this url shortning service?
A few, but i have my reasons.
- The links with the below conditions will get deleted after 90days
- Links with <100 views in past 90 days
- There are some rate limits on how frequently you can call the APIs. This is intentional to prevent abuse.
- Links pointing to pornography or illegal content in any country, will be automatically deleted.
Is there a premium version of it
Not yet. But I have plans for them.
Is the url shortner service accessible by API?
Yes, obviously. Please refer to the API section for more details.